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Association for Nonviolent Communication (Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo) is a non-governmental, non-profit and humanitarian organization dedicated to preventing and reducing violence and its consequences. It was founded in 1996 when it was the first non-governmental organization in Slovenia with programs for victims of violence as well as for perpetrators of violence.


We believe that violence is a social and public health problem and it should never be considered a private home matter. We strive for an integrated solution to the problem of violence and therefore want to prevent violence and mitigate its consequences with programs for everyone who experiences it. Furthermore, we organize preventive and educational activities and different social actions. We consider it very important to cooperate with other institutions and organizations, on state and European level, as violence is a problem that requires integrative and systematic approach.


Our main objectives are: 

  • To reduce society’s tolerance of violence.
  • To help those who experience violence.
  • To help those who commit violence to change their behaviour.


Most of our employees started working with us as volunteers. They come from different professional backgrounds, mostly with a degree in social work, social pedagogy, psychology etc. They have all received an intensive training in the field of violence prevention and intervention. Besides, they receive regular supervision and are required to attend different educational activities to stay on top of the subject of violence, social work and counselling.


Most of our projects and programmes are designed and carried out by the employees. Nevertheless, volunteers play an important role in the Association. We organize an extensive training programme for new volunteers every year. Besides, they attend regular intervision sessions. Volunteers work in the programme “gathering with a child” or help us with administrative work.



Our main sources of financing are obtained through public tenders by Ministry of Labour, Family Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Local Communities, FIHO - Foundation for Financing Humanitarian and Disability Organizations etc. Therefore, our programmes are free of charge for our users. We also participate in different projects, financed by European Union funds.


There are also many individuals and companies that donate us different things (clothes, food, cosmetics for victims of violence, furniture for safe house ...).

We try to share our knowledge, gained through 20 years of experience in many different ways. One of the ways is publishing different kinds of publications. Our most recent publications are:

  • Besede o nasilju, pogumu in vztrajnosti. December 2017. (English: Words on Violence, Courage and Perseverance).
  • Moč za spremembo. Priročnik za samopomoč po preživetem nasilju. December 2017. (English: Power to Change. Self-help workbook for survivors of violence.)
  • Preprečevanje in prepoznavanje spolnih zlorab otrok. Najpogostejša vprašanja in odgovori nanje. December 2016. (English: Preventing and recognizing sexual abuse of children. Frequently asked questions and answers).
  • Zmorem drugače. Priročnik za osebe, ki želijo prenehati s povzročanjem nasilja. December 2016. (English: I can do differently. A practical guide for those who want to stop their abusive behaviour).
  • Nasilje nad otroki. Strokovne smernice za delo z otroki, ki doživljajo zanemarjanje in/ali nasilje, DNK, 2015 (English: Violence against Children. Professional practice guidelines for working with children with experience of violence or/and neglect).
  • Delo s povzročitelji nasilja. Strokovne smernice in predstavitev dela, DNK, 2015 (English: Work with Perpetrators of Violence. Professional practice guidelines and presentation of our practice).
  • Nasilje nad ženskami - pravne poti v varno življenje. Praktični vodnik po sodnih in upravnih postopkih. (English: Violence against Women - Legal Paths to Safe Life. Practical guide to legal and formal procedures).

The publications are only in Slovene. They can be downloaded from here.  

Preventive workshops

Workshops are targeted to pupils, students and other interested groups. Participants get information on violence. They can learn why nonviolence works and how to use nonviolent ways of communication. We encourage them to seek a sense of power in them and not in a position of power over others.

We try to give everyone the opportunity to participate and express their own ideas and opinions. That is why we use different techniques such as get-to-know-each-other exercises, icebreaker exercises, a guided group discussion, reflection in pairs or groups, role-play, audio-visual techniques, creative activities, social interaction games and lectures. We adapt the techniques to the needs of the workshop participants.

Intervention workshops
We conduct intervention workshops when violence or communication problems ocurr at school or in a particular class. We tailor the themes and techniques to a specific situation. We also conduct intervention workshops for employees and parents, in order to better deal with the situation and better solve problems.

Activism and cooperation with the media are important parts of our work. Through the media, we can raise awareness of the harmfulness and unacceptability of violence and inform people about available support services. The media play an important role in spreading social awareness of non-violence and informing about possible forms of assistance. That is why we organize press conferences, cooperate with journalists and invite them to our conferences and educational activities.


Every year, between 25th of November and 10th of December, during the international days of activism against gender-based violence, we organize different events. These and other important actions and campaigns are accompanied by posters and presentation materials. Media also covers the events.

Part of our awareness-raising activities is also our Facebook profile and website.

We organize lectures, conferences and seminars we actively participate in round tables or other events. We provide expert consultations and discussions. We are committed to maintaining and promoting contacts with experts in various fields.

We offer lectures, seminars and intervention workshops for teachers, parents, pupils, students and others who work with children and youth (professionals in Youth Centres, Day Care Centres, boarding schools, kindergartens etc.). Moreover, we have carried out an extensive educational programme for professional workers in all Slovenian prisons (including the youth prison). We have been running preventive workshops in primary and secondary schools, mainly on topics of violence in the family, gender based violence, peer violence, sexual harassment and sexual violence, dating violence, discrimination etc.

Lectures and seminars
Lectures and seminars are targeted to teachers in elementary and secondary schools, parents, pupils, students and as well to all others who work with children and young people, such as professionals in Youth Care Centres, Day Care Centres, Youth Centres, boarding schools, kindergartens and other institutions.

We discuss the topic, content and conduct of lectures individually with clients. We take into account specific features and expectations of the target group.


 Vojkova cesta 1, Ljubljana

 01 4344 822

 031 770 120

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 Vojkovo nabrežje 10, Koper

 05 6393 170

 031 546 098

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